
This is the first post I’m going to make here. I had the idea of making this after reading an NPR article in my composition class on how a college student could get their foot in the door in the world of music journalism. One of the things it mentioned was starting a blog of your own, and after giving it some thought (less than a day of thought) I decided I’d make one for the hell of it.

I’ve always had a lot of thoughts after doing things in regards to media. It’s only human, but for me it’s almost therapeutic to talk or even write about the things I’m into. Recently I gave the anime Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai a watch (along with the movie of course), and it left my mind racing with so many thoughts. To say I loved it would be kind of an understatement, but I seriously had so many things I wanted to ramble about to anyone I happened to get to listen. It sounds kind of bad, but I felt like saving some of my friends the earache while also giving myself a place to not hold back my thoughts and just let them all loose. This applies to basically anything that might grab my attention. A new album that blew my mind, an anime cult classic I loved from start to finish, even a random manga volume I might have picked up from the store for a decent price, they’re all things you might see on this page at some point.

I’m going to try to stay away from sharing too much about my personal life on here, for anonymity’s sake as well as the focus of the blog. But say for something like K-On! that holds a special place in my heart for how much I personally related to it when I watched it, as well as providing me something wholesome and comforting during a more difficult part of my life, some parts of myself might show through here and there.

There probably won’t be a post schedule for this blog. I’m pretty busy as it is with school work (along with my chronic procrastination), but I’ll try to make around one or two posts here a week. I don’t know much about how blogs work these days but this did seem like kind of a fun side project thing along with some nice practice for what I’m (currently) majoring in. Expect something soon, probably related to Toradora! as that’s the anime I finished most recently and if I’m being honest, I quite enjoyed it. Stay tuned. Feel free to follow any of my other pages on the side (I think it’ll be there?).


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