Things I’ve been up to; Blog Revival

It’s been a while since I’ve used this thing. I apologize to anyone that might’ve been looking forward to that last entry of A Lazy Summer Spent with Anime, but it just was unfortunately lined up with the timings of certain things irl. It feels kinda bad to leave a project like that unfinished, but that’s just how things go sometimes.

If I’m being real, that project was way too much for me to be doing at that point in the year, and that last blog post would’ve been the longest one in the series by a pretty large margin as well. It just wasn’t going to happen, unfortunately.

This past year was also probably the busiest span of time I’ve ever had in my life. I was so in over my head with school, extracurriculars, etc., that I just never found the time or mental space to come back here and write anything. I hardly even had any free time at all to really do anything I wanted, but overall I still got a lot out of it.

I’ve improved in my writing a ton and gotten a lot more actual experience in the field. I got all A’s in my classes for the first time in my academic career. I did my current biggest research project yet, where I wrote about 2500 words going into a lot of the cultural history of the cyberpunk aesthetic. I even got an article I wrote officially published on an established news site! It was a very exciting time for me.

Anyways, moving forward, I plan on using this blog much more frequently. I’ve realized I do have a bit of perfectionism that creeps its way into what I do, but one of my professors who somewhat mentored me this past semester told me when you are writing, it’s often way better to get something out there than nothing at all.

Not everything you put out needs to be your magnum opus. I never really considered this to be a problem in my creative process, but upon further thought, especially with this blog, this type of perfectionist attitude has affected a lot of my creative output over the years. I want to grow past it, and I think that this blog will be a big help for me in that area.

Expect much more frequent posts here, but for the record, don’t expect them all to be super long and in-depth. I’m going to try and focus a lot more on just getting my immediate thoughts onto the page and published on the blog. Something is better than nothing, right?

Recent Life 🙂

As for some other fun stuff I’ve done over the past few months, this past Saturday I went to my first big anime convention in Atlanta, Momocon! It was such a fun time, and for a first con experience, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I saw so much cool stuff and ran into a bunch of friends as well. Everyone I talked to was super friendly, and the merch I bought scratched my consumerist itch better than anything else could’ve haha. I even saw some of the cast from Avatar do a panel which was great.

As for media, I didn’t get the chance to play or watch much the past few months, but with the little time I did have, I watched a few amazing things, with a few going down as some new personal favorites. I won’t be getting into too much detail in this post, but I do hope to someday write about a few of these things.

Lately, I’ve been reading through the Spice & Wolf light novels, playing through Bravely Default on my 3DS, and finishing up Mob Psycho 100. All three of these have been such a delight to experience, and I can’t wait to see how each of them progresses further.

I also picked up this indie game called Omega Strikers with a few friends, and we’ve been playing it pretty consistently. Think of it as 3v3 air hockey with light MOBA mechanics. It’s insanely fun, and in my time playing it I’ve legit had some of the most intense, blood-pumping fun matches of any game I’ve played in a long time. I can’t recommend the game enough. It’s on almost every platform and completely free! Give it a try if you get a chance, preferably with a few friends. I’m sure you won’t regret it.

For the Future…

Thanks for reading if you got this far. I’ve been enjoying life a lot lately, improving myself in many ways and setting myself up for the future.

Hopefully, I’m able to keep my word and run this little blog at least somewhat consistently. Only time will tell. If you’re interested in the things I have to say, be sure to subscribe(?) to the blog. There should be a little button at the bottom of the page that lets you do that.

The next thing you might see on here is that project I mentioned before about the cultural history of the cyberpunk aesthetic. I’ve been working on adapting it for publishing under my screen name, changing a few things so I can post it on here. It should be up within the next few days at most. Look forward to that. It’s probably the proudest work I’ve ever done with relevance to what this blog is focused on.

Thanks again for reading. Looking forward to using this more.


This is the first post I’m going to make here. I had the idea of making this after reading an NPR article in my composition class on how a college student could get their foot in the door in the world of music journalism. One of the things it mentioned was starting a blog of your own, and after giving it some thought (less than a day of thought) I decided I’d make one for the hell of it.

I’ve always had a lot of thoughts after doing things in regards to media. It’s only human, but for me it’s almost therapeutic to talk or even write about the things I’m into. Recently I gave the anime Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai a watch (along with the movie of course), and it left my mind racing with so many thoughts. To say I loved it would be kind of an understatement, but I seriously had so many things I wanted to ramble about to anyone I happened to get to listen. It sounds kind of bad, but I felt like saving some of my friends the earache while also giving myself a place to not hold back my thoughts and just let them all loose. This applies to basically anything that might grab my attention. A new album that blew my mind, an anime cult classic I loved from start to finish, even a random manga volume I might have picked up from the store for a decent price, they’re all things you might see on this page at some point.

I’m going to try to stay away from sharing too much about my personal life on here, for anonymity’s sake as well as the focus of the blog. But say for something like K-On! that holds a special place in my heart for how much I personally related to it when I watched it, as well as providing me something wholesome and comforting during a more difficult part of my life, some parts of myself might show through here and there.

There probably won’t be a post schedule for this blog. I’m pretty busy as it is with school work (along with my chronic procrastination), but I’ll try to make around one or two posts here a week. I don’t know much about how blogs work these days but this did seem like kind of a fun side project thing along with some nice practice for what I’m (currently) majoring in. Expect something soon, probably related to Toradora! as that’s the anime I finished most recently and if I’m being honest, I quite enjoyed it. Stay tuned. Feel free to follow any of my other pages on the side (I think it’ll be there?).
